Muhammed Enes Öztürk

Muhammed Enes Öztürk

The Balfour Declaration, Afghanistan and Ukraine: Anatomy of Western hypocrisy

The Balfour Declaration, Afghanistan and Ukraine: Anatomy of Western hypocrisy

Since the recent history of the Islamic world has crawled with invasions and plots of invaders, we have witnessed plenty of plans, strategies, and tactics of invading forces.

From the Balfour Declaration to sham elections in Afghanistan, these plans and tactics are generally plots of the Western nations, like the US and Britain. Because of these interferences, millions of Muslims suffered fatal problems, they have forced to leave their homes, and they've got killed, tortured, and so on.

Nowadays, the Western media is busy with the Russian-backed sham referendums in the invaded regions of Ukraine. As everyone knows, in these referendums, Russia annexed the oblasts of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson. Ukrainian people and their Western friends -righteously- opposed these referendums and labeled them as fake and forged processes.

All of these talks reminded me of how our Islamic world has been invaded, divided, and handed to the allies of the Westerners on a silver platter. I think the Balfour Declaration and elections in Afghanistan are some examples of Western policies on this issue.

The Balfour Declaration

In 1917, the British government endorsed the idea of the creation of a Jewish state on the soil of Mandatory Palestine. British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour's letter to Lord Walter Rothschild laid the foundations of Israel.

The full text of the letter was full of imperialist arrogance:

"I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation."

I won't examine this letter word by word. But the most stunning expression in the letter is "existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine" I think. In 1917, the Jewish population in the whole of Mandatory Palestine wasn't exceeding 10 percent. And before the British invasion, Jews made up 6 percent of the total population. Despite these numbers, an outsider British lord labeled 90 percent of Palestine as "non-Jewish communities" if they were minorities and consisted of negligible numbers.

We all know the rest of the story. West-backed Israel state was founded in the Palestinian land. Muslims were forced out of their homes. They are still being killed and tortured. With the Jewish migration to Palestine, their population increased. Today, nearly 47 percent of the total population are Jews, and 47 percent are Muslim Arabs. So the land of Palestine must be shared accordingly, right?

No. Just 6-7 percent of the historical Palestine lands are directly under the control of Palestinians. (Gaza Strip and Area A of West Bank.) And these lands are under blockade by Israel. The rest of the land is under the direct or indirect control of the Israeli state. 6-7 percent of the land to half of the population. What a justice, huh? And the Western powers continue to support this invasion while opposing the sham referendum in Ukraine.

Sham elections in Afghanistan

Another example is the elections in Afghanistan during the 20 years of the US occupation to choose a leader for the Western-backed Kabul administration. Let's talk about the 2019 Presidential Elections.

In 2019, Afghanistan, a country has a 40 million population, went to elections. We won't examine the invasion, killings, corruption, and other things and will just focus on the "democratic" election and the numbers.

I will share some numbers to sum this up:

  • Approximately 40 million people are living in Afghanistan. There isn't any proper census, so the population is probably high but let's say 40 million.
  • Voter turnout was 18.8. So just 1.8 million of the total 9.6 million voters went and voted.
  • President-elect Asraf Ghani received 923.592 votes in total. So, if you accept these numbers eligible and ignore the claims of irregularity, just 10 percent of the Afghan people approved Ghani as president.

Yet, his government was accepted as the legitimate ruler and representative of the Afghan people by the West. He is welcomed in Western capitals with respect and dignity. Why? Is it because he was the rightful ruler of Afghanistan? Or because he was serving Western interests? Can we imagine that some of the Russian-backed leaders of the invaded Ukrainian lands were welcomed in the Western cities? For example, the so-called leader of the Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin. Can we imagine Pushilin while visiting London, Paris, or New York? Can we imagine that he is addressing the United Nations General Assembly? Surely not. But Ghani did that because he was an ally of the West, nothing more.

I don't know any word to describe this thing but hypocrisy.

The War of Ukraine is making the hypocrisy of the West apparent day by day. From the refugee issue to reactions against the annexation referendum, it's becoming obvious that the powers of the Western world are solely guided by their interests. One thing is certain if we can read between the lines: This hypocrisy is dragging the Western theoretical-ideological hegemony to its doom.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Mepa News.

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